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Philip's Page

Page history last edited by Philip Wang 13 years, 6 months ago

Lab Manual

Lab 1: The Scientific Process

Lab 2: Measurement

Lab 3: The Molecules of Life

Lab 4: Enzymes

Lab 5: Microscopic Observation of Cells


Student Blog

Chapter 2 Blog: The Chemical Basis of Life I (Philip)

Chapter 3 Blog: The Chemical Basis of Life II (Philip)

Chapter 4 Blog: General Features of Cells (Philip)

Chapter 5 Blog: Membrane Structure, Synthesis, and Transport (Philip)

Chapter 6 Blog: An Introduction to Energy, Enzymes, and Metabolism (Philip)

Chapter 7 Blog: Cellular Respiration, Fermentation, and Secondary Metabolism (Philip)

Chapter 8 Blog: Photosynthesis (Philip)

Chapter 9 Blog: Cell Communication (Philip)

Chapter 11: Nucelic Acid Structure, DNA Replicaiton, and Chromosome Structure (Philip)

Chapter 12 Blog: Gene Expression at the Molecular Level (Philip)

Chapter 13 Blog: Gene Regulation (Philip)

Chapter 14 Blog: Mutation, DNA Repair, and Cancer (Philip)

Chapter 15 Blog: The Eukaryotic Cell (Philip)

Chapter 16 Blog: Simple Patterns of Inheritance (Philip)

Chapter 18 Blog: Genetics of Viruses and Bacteria (Philip)

Chapter 20 Blog: Genetic Technology (Philip)

Chapter 21 Blog: Genomes, Proteomes, and Bioinformatics (Philip)



Grading Sheet for the Blog Project


Section I: Personal Bio and Material

Hi, my name is Philip and I am 16 years old. I was born in Los Angeles, CA, but I moved to New Jersey 7 years ago and I now currently reside in Watchung. I like to read, play sports, listen to music, play guitar, sing, and eat. I plan on going into the pharmaceutical field in the future.

This is a picture of me when I lived in California.

This is an avatar of what I think I look like.

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This song has been stuck in my head since I found it on Youtube.


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This is a short about a world filled with logos and it won an award for Best Short.


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For all the Muppet/Queen lovers out there, the Muppets sing Bohemian Rhapsody.



This is a link to my Tumblr.


This is an amusing graph that I personally think is true.



This is a link to my Formspring.




Section II:  Interesting/Useful Scientific Material

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This is a song about the PCR.


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This is a video that explains how a bowling ball would float in water.



This is an article about how the blood of horseshoe crabs can help the fight against E. Coli


This is a picture of a tattoo that spells "Think".

They are spelled with elements from the periodic table so that the person will "think periodically".



This is a web resource that can be used as a research tool.


This is a picture of dry ice.



This is an article about Tesla and his scientific achievements.


Comments (2)

Derek Weber said

at 12:00 am on Jul 28, 2010

Please update your username to reflect your first and last name Philip.

Derek Weber said

at 4:58 am on Aug 17, 2010

Nice start here.

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