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Chapter 11: Nucelic Acid Structure, DNA Replicaiton, and Chromosome Structure (John)

Page history last edited by John Bender 13 years, 10 months ago

In the first section of this page, you will write a daily summary of that day's class.  For example in  your chapter 2 blog, your first entry should be titled 9/3/10.  You should then write a one or two paragraph summary of that day's lecture, outlining the major points.  In the second section, you are required to add two items (link to a website, video, animation, student-created slide show, student-created PowerPoint presentation) and one journal article pertaining to a topic in this chapter.  A one-paragraph summary must accompany each item describing the main idea and how it applies to the lecture topic.  Please see the PBWorks help guide for assistance embedding video and other items directly in the page.  I will also produce a how-to video on using tables to wrap text around items and other useful tips.  Please see the syllabus for organization and grading details.


A.  Daily Blog



B.  Useful Materials


   This is a great video that explains DNA replication step by step.  If anyone has ANY trouble with the DNA replication process, they should check out this video.  



  This video explains the structure and functions of a nucleic acid.  It also explains their structure in DNA and Rna.  


http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21088489 - This PubMed aricle is talking about how some DNA Replication proteins like Cdt1, Cdc6, Cdc7, Cdc45, and geminin.   play a role in DNA Replication.  However, thats not their only role.  They also localize to the Centrosome, and they play essential roles in the regulation of centrosome biogenesis.  This means that DNA replication and this centrosome process described as "segregation".  Are interdependently.  



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