
Chapter 4 Blog: General Features of Cells (Nicole)

Page history last edited by Nicole Lee 14 years, 4 months ago


Okay i love this video.  Eventhough it is not a song you want to listen on your ipod or anything, it helps remind you of protein synthesis.  I thought I would need to go over my notes (which i will do[:) but now after I watched this movie I can memorize most of the details.



Okay, i love this video because I love the song fergaliscious so learning about protein synthesis goingalong to the song helpedme so much.  Oh and a part of the song sounds like the girl is singing cH!nk <--- i modified that so it's not a curse word haa, but she'es really saying ching ching, that's just her asian accent in the work. 

A.  Daily Blog


Today the class went over chapter four, mostly talking about prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.  Before class had begun, I had already known most of the characteristics and importances of these two cells.  However, when Dr.  Weber was going over some other key concepts, it was a good re-cap for me. For example, I had forgotten some of the information pertaining to structures like the endoplasmic reticulum.  I had also forgotten a main part of the Eukaryotic cells, the fact that they have a nucleus and a prokaryotic cell doesn't.  Another thing that I remembered from this lecture was that the Eukaryotic cells are typically larger than pProkaryotes and they also have membrane bound organelles.  Another topic the class discussed for a short amount of time was bacteria.  From this, I learned that only very few types of bacteria have yet to be discovered.  One thing that surprised me today was when Dr.Weber told the class that bacteria is usually NOT pathogenic (making it usually harmless).  The class also went over some details about the ribosomes.  A brief description about ribosomes are that they are the building blocks of proteins essentially.  I re-capped details on how the plasma membrane actually works with the cell, allowing it to break down and reform to keep the cell functioning and I also learned it keeps the inside environment safe from the hustle and bustle of the outside areas of the call.  I aldo learned some information about proteomes.  Proteomes to be honest with you confused me at first but afterreading through my notes about them I understood and comprehended their nature better.  I learned that proteomes of a cell actually determine the structure and the function of the cell (this is a HUGE deal with the cell).  One thing that was a good re-cap for me was the information the class discussed about the ER and the Golgi apparatus.  When learning about the cell in biology of freshman year i loved learning about these two systems and whn the class went over them I was happy and confident knowing that I understand their functions in the cells.  Today's class helped me learn about the cells in depth and the verbal lecture Dr. Weber gave helped me significantly memorize some missing details I had forgotten over the years.  I'm looking forward for tomorrow's class! 





Today on September 24th, 2010 (Friday) the class reviewed over some of the last details of chapter 4.  The class discussed what happens to the newly synthesized protein.  These series of steps include:

  1.  proteins are in the cytosol 
  2. undergo co-translational sorting to the ER or, they under-gp post translational sorting to the other organelles

A little about the co-translational sorting:

  • DNA in the nucleus undergoes transcription
  • the end product is transported to the rough ER during translation
  • for it to occur the protein has an ER signaling sequence at the N-terminus is targeted by signal recognition proteins (SRP)

There are many other details about co-translational sorting in my notes.  I understand most of the material during class, however I will read over the ebook so I can memorize these details better.  I enjoyed that day's class but I hope I can memorize the functions of this process better and I can't wait for thenext class Dr. Weber!


Ps. no offense but I don't like Pubmed hahaha but I will deal with it, that was just as a side note:)





B.  Useful Materials



Hey Dr. Weber, as always I love giving you weirdo movies that I enjoy watching so they helpme learn.  For biology league in Freshman year i watched this movie and it helped me so much in memorizing most of the cell structure.  I know it's corny and I know you're probably going to want to shut it off or not even look at it but you should really consider watching it because I think it's a useful tool.


Okay so this second video made me want to scratch my ears out but it is extremely catchy and it helped me remember the functions of the ER.  By the way the video plays REALLY loud so if you plan on watching it, I would recommend you turn your volume to like, one. :)



C. Articles


This article from PubMed is about protein metabolism.  Although the article is alittle bit lenghty for my taste it helped me learn more about the functions of a prtoein, the structure itself, and how proteins can manipulate and use particles.  This particle described how important proteins are and how each ptoteinin the body differs from another.  Another thing that I learned from this article is that aside from water, proteins are the most abundant component of humans, other animals, and bacteria.  This article was extremely intersting and I recommend anyone read it.

Comments (1)

Derek Weber said

at 3:23 am on Nov 23, 2010

Nice job.

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