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Chapter 20 Blog: Genetic Technology (Garielle)

Page history last edited by Garielle Wagnac 13 years, 5 months ago


Chapter Summary 


     Gene cloning  is the formation of multiple copies of a gene. The first step of this process is to isolate the vector(contains DNA to be cloned) gene (Bacteria) and gene of interest (cell of interest). If the appropriate things are not isolated then cloning of the correct gene will not occur. Other genes will most likely be cloned. The next step is to join the vector DNA with the gene of interest. If the vector DNA is not joined with the gene of interest then cloning will be pointless because the gene that is being cloned will not contain the vector DNA wanted to be cloned.  The new vector formed ( recombinant vector)  in put into a new cell that does not have a vector. This cell will then reproduce and all the daughter cells from then will contain this recombinant DNA. Restriction enzymes are essential for gene cloning.  They cut the DNA in 2 places wherever the gene of interest is. They also digest sticky ends. The collection of vectors in bacterial cells is called a DNA library. A type of DNA library is genomic it is the inserts that are made from chromosomal DNA. A cDNA is a library made from recombinant vectors that have complimentary DNA, which is DNA made from mRNA. 

     Genomics is the analysis of a genome of a species. Functional genomics is the study of genome expression. PCR is the amplification of a gene and Dideoxy chain termination is the syntheses if an -OH group at the 3 prime end. A DNA microarray can identify genes being expressed by the finding genes that are presently being expressed. The holes in the slide will become florescent   if the targeted sequences are found.




Useful Material


  • This video is awesome because it shows what microarraying is and then shows how microarrays are used in science. There is this par where it shows how gene expression is detected with the microarray with the liver cell as an example.




  •      Good video done by kids to teach gene cloning. Since its done kids they know how to make the material understandable and interesting. They did a good job visually to demonstrate gene cloning




  •      A 3-D Microarray! I think that this will be useful for seeing the nucleotides and understanding viewing the nucleotides. The fact that it can hold moe means we can locate more genes or longer genes in one go then a few.



Comments (1)

Derek Weber said

at 2:55 am on Apr 2, 2011

Some summaries are a bit brief.

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